I used to be a die hard Twilight fan. Like, I was a Twilight mom, tried to be in the movie, went snooping around filming locations, and pretty much dreamed of the characters day and night.
My feelings have changed, or more like simmered. They filmed the first movie here in the good North West, though, and that's just where I happen to live.
Since it's the opening day of Breaking Dawn (part 1), I thought I'd give you some sneak peaks and short stories about my first obsession. And to put to rest the question of whether I'm excited about Breaking Dawn (part 1)...well, let's just say I'm not a big fan of breaking a book/movie into two. There's a reason it's written as one and I prefer it all together. So, although I may not be waiting in line anytime soon to watch Part 1, you can for sure find me in the lines when Part 2 comes out :)
This is the picture I sent in to be part of the movie. The only "cool" thing was that they called me in for more sizing to be Victoria's stand in...or something like that. I didn't get it. But it was a great experience anyway!
This is the fence you have to hop over if you want to get to the baseball field they used for filming.
So, one afternoon we were driving around town and saw bright yellow posters to guide the filming crews to a park. Like no one else is going to see them right? Weird. So my hubby and I took our kids to the park. They weren't filming yet, but they were setting everything up. Don't worry...I went back when they were filming :)
Actor's trailer's. Saweet!
Food tent.
A couple days after the hubs and I snooped around, my friend and I took my kids back to the park. As we drove in, they were in the middle of filming a scene right off the side of the road. My friend was yelling at me to look, but I had to inform her that if I took my eyes off the road I would definitely hit one of the millions of film crew people glaring at my red van! Yeah, SO not inconspicuous.
This is the fog machine they used for the "reveal vampire in the woods" scene. Pretty awesome!And my friend took most of the pictures so I don't have anymore. But we did see Robert on a break and tried to get his autograph...but when a red van parks nearby, apparently it's time to hide in the trailer.
Another awesome Twilight mom's thing I got to be a part of was a dinner at the View Point Inn. For those of you who might now know, that's where they filmed the prom.
Apple bracelet anyone?
Oh wait! Does he look familiar? This is the guy who played Sam in the first movie. He's really nice and was awesome to come to a dinner with a bunch of "not quite teens anymore" that were obsessed with Twilight.
Yes, I stayed true to the color scheme :)
And this is the Breaking Dawn book release party at Barnes and Noble downtown Portland. It was a Prom theme. Hence the nice dresses and, of course, vampire make up!
Oh yeah. He was there this time too.
Have any of you done anything crazy like this? Ever tried to see an actor? Been so obsessed with something that you lived and breathed it?
Home Alone was filmed in my hometown (you might not remember that movie, but they made about three stupid sequels to it). I was nine or ten, and my best friend and I spent the summer looking at fake snow and riding our bikes around, trying to see actors :)
ReplyDeleteWow! Fun post! I loved seeing all this behind the scenes stuff. When I lived in LA I used to spot movie stars sometimes. Once I ended up at a table next to Betty White. Glad you had fun.
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome Jess. And yes, I do remember those movies. In fact, I really like them. But I love almost every Christmas movie...most, but definitely not all. And since my Maiden name is McAllister, it's always been a favorite in our home growing up. That's awesome that they filmed it in the summer.
ReplyDeleteThanks Kirsten. I wish I had better pics...but I don't :) I'm glad you enjoyed these.
How fun!! I was obsessed with Twilight for a while. All the hype sort of made me not care as much anymore. I do still love the books though. And I'll see Breaking Dawn of course. And if someone happens to have a Twilight party, I'll go. ;)
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh! I think that's awesome. My sister is totally obsessed. I think it's a lot of fun to go with friends and have a party like that.
ReplyDeleteOh Michelle, so you know where I live and well, there isn't much snooping I can do here. But I dont know if I would have the guts to do it. I'm a chicken
ReplyDeleteIt would be so cool if a movie was filmed where I lived. I could see myself getting totally into it. Thanks for the pics...looks like you had a blast!
ReplyDeleteEdge of Your Seat Romance
They filmed Breaking Dawn in my hometown, Squamish BC (Canada), so there are a lot of people I know who had similar experiences as you! I didn't see any of the actors or anything, but my sister and her friends met a few of them and one of the local sushi places had Taylor Lautner come in every night :P a friend of mine works at the movie theater in town and had to help sneak Robert and Kristen out the back entrance after the movie they saw ended. It was pretty neat to have it happen in our town. Especially since this is such a tiny place.
ReplyDeleteThis sounded like so much fun. I've never experienced anything like it, but I would love to :-)
ReplyDeleteHa! Really enjoyed your photos; sounds like a blast! My daughter tried out for the "Leverage" TV show when it was filmed in Portland, OR--and she got on as an extra! So she's glimpsed about 6-7 times in the background at an art gallery. Fun! (yeah, she thought Timothy Hutton was SO hot at the time)
ReplyDeleteThat would have been awesome if you got to be a movie star.
ReplyDeletewow that was cool. thanks for stopping by my blog!
ReplyDeleteWell now I don't feel bad nerding out just to see the movies. I adored Harry Potter and just went to the Wizarding World at the beginning of the month. I was upset to find out that the day my dad got married was the day there were actors at the park promoting the release of the last HP film! Talk about being upset!!!
ReplyDeleteYou're so cute! My love of Doctor Who approaches that amount of love. :)
ReplyDeleteBanned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)
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