I did it!!! I'm a NaNo winner. I reached 50,000 words on November 19th and then finished my book yesterday, November 25th! Final chapter count: 32. Final word count: 66,579. Final brain status: Fried!
But we love fried brains, right?
I absolutely love my story and my characters. Yes, it was a bit of a whirlwind, but it was a fun journey.
How has your month of writing been? Did you do NaNo or skip out this year?
Also, for those celebrating, have a happy and safe Thanksgiving! There is so much to be thankful for, but for now I'll limit it to just a few things: God, my husband, my kids, my family, friends, talents, and the ability to stay positive in a negative situation. I'm not the best at that last one, but I'm thankful that even when I'm not, others still are. And of course, I'm thankful that even though I started writing later than most people, I'm happy I found my passion.
Happy writing!
Now to eat some turkey...nom, nom, nom.