For the longest time, I knew Rachael as this.
Yes, a small cartoon. I'm so glad that she finally posted a picture. Now when I say Rach over at Rach Writes, I get this image.

Ahhhhhh. Like a long awesome sigh of knowing the real girl behind the cartoon.
Now, I bet you want to know more about her too, right? Awesome. It's always good to make a new friends and she's well worth knowing.
Here is what she'll tell you.
I used to write “nice” fiction until I realized my characters kept suffering from nasty author-induced tragedies. Now I’m happy writing YA Horror (with a dash of paranormal) and chortling when I come up with a particularly juicy scene. I spend my day imagining evil plot twists and psychotic characters, and thinking up ways to make you squirm. But don’t worry, I’m really a nice person!
I’m a writer, a mother, a wife, and an Aussie. I have a wicked sense of humor, a very loud wolf-whistle, and a fascination for all things Young Adult. Sparkly vampires optional. I kill cacti (accidentally), I collect dragons, I adore emoticons and exclamation marks (but never in my manuscripts), and I used to have a dead fern called Prudence. Why? Cause everybody needs at least one dead fern in their lives.
I tweet occasionally, I blog religiously, and I organize Crusades so bloggers can connect and network together. I love meeting new people around the blogosphere, so drop in to Rach Writes..., say hi, and come with me on this fascinating journey toward publication. Suitcases optional, but don't forget your computer!
I’m a writer, a mother, a wife, and an Aussie. I have a wicked sense of humor, a very loud wolf-whistle, and a fascination for all things Young Adult. Sparkly vampires optional. I kill cacti (accidentally), I collect dragons, I adore emoticons and exclamation marks (but never in my manuscripts), and I used to have a dead fern called Prudence. Why? Cause everybody needs at least one dead fern in their lives.
I tweet occasionally, I blog religiously, and I organize Crusades so bloggers can connect and network together. I love meeting new people around the blogosphere, so drop in to Rach Writes..., say hi, and come with me on this fascinating journey toward publication. Suitcases optional, but don't forget your computer!
She's cool. Just sayin'. Sadly, the Crusade is closed right now, but you can bet when it opens up for new members, I'll be the first in line. Really. Like I already talked to her about it :) (Rach, that emoticon is SO for you! ;))
And if you don't know what the Crusade is, then you need to go here to read more about it. *But please, please, please, read the interview first, because I know for a fact that you can get sucked into the Crusade and everything else on Rach's blog. Thanks*
And here's that interview.
How long have you been writing?
I’ve written in one form or other my whole life, but it’s only in the last four years that I’ve started to write seriously. The first book I wrote (and then shelved) was a historical fiction, and I spent a lot of time experimenting with different genres after that until I realized my real passion lies with YA Fiction. (Saweet! One thing in common so far... Okay, so no I didn't experiment with other genres, but I'm so there with the YA fiction.)
What are you working on now?
My current WIP is a YA Horror, titled FROM THE OTHER SIDE. I’m neck-deep in revisions at the moment, and hope to query agents in early 2011. My logline for FTOS is:
When seventeen-year-old Verity is murdered by the boy she loves, she becomes a ghost whose ability to burn her victims seems purpose-made for her mission of vengeance. However, the search for her killer and an increasing body-count stretch Verity’s sanity to the limits, and unless she finds a way to regain control more innocent people will die, including the one person with the power to save her from herself.
What made you want to write?
You know, I can’t actually think of any one thing (or even a combination of things) that made me want to write. It’s always just been something I’ve done. I think I started writing stories when I was six or seven years old, and I continued ever since, with breaks here and there as I dodged the curve balls that life threw at me.
(I totally can't connect with the writing since I was young thing (see my previous post), but I definitely have to dodge my share of curve balls. Another thing in common :) And yes, I love to use emoticons, but I'm probably using them more this time since I read about Rach at the top.)
Do you have any pet peeves while writing? Any certain music or drink you just have to have to concentrate?
With two children under the age of three, I’m finding I have less and less time available to actually write. So I’ll admit to a certain frustration when I’m interrupted during my “writing time.”
I usually put music on very low in the background – too loud and I can’t concentrate on my writing. Also, I need to listen to songs / music I’m familiar with, otherwise my brain pays too much attention to the song and not enough to the writing.
I don’t need any particular drink to concentrate, though I don’t mind a nice cup of tea beside me when I sit down to write.
(I hear ya on the music thing. Which is another thing we have in common. (That's 3, but who's counting?) )
What is your favorite thing to write?
That’s easy. Young Adult Horror!
What other genres do you enjoy writing, if any?
I have a YA Dystopian idea on the boil, and I do love Paranormal fiction. My current WIP has paranormal elements (ghosts); if I wasn’t writing YA Horror I think it would be either Dystopian/Post-Apocalyptic or straight Paranormal.
(Which is pretty much what I love to write, so that's another common thing between us.)
What is your favorite genre to read?
I love reading so many different genres. At the top of my list are Dystopian, Post-Apocalyptic, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Paranormal, and Horror. These days I mostly read Young Adult books in those genres. Occasionally I go through different phases, where I’ll read adult thrillers or romance or fantasy, for example, but I usually return to my favorites after a short period of time.
(I branch out every now and then, but I usually get back to my favorites pretty quick too. That's 5 things in common.)
What is your favorite blog?
There’s so many great blogs out there, it’s hard to pin down my absolute favorites. The ones I check the most frequently are Mary Kole’s Kidlit and Rachelle Gardner’s blog. Also, I love the blogs of my fabulous critique partners: Marieke - Marieke’s Musings and Tessa Quin - A Quest for a Literary Agent.
(Yes, I've already interviewed both Marieke and Tessa. I vouch for their awesomeness and agree that their blogs are worth visiting. 6)
Have you been to a conference? If you've been to more than one, which was your favorite and why?
Actually, I’ve only been to one writing conference, and that was WriteOnCon 2010. It was an amazing experience for me, and the first time I realized what a wonderful community of writers existed online. I made so many great friends and found some fabulous critique partners AND critique groups. And I can’t wait for WriteOnCon 2011.
(I agree 100% with that all of that. I can't wait for writeoncon 2011. And I'm so excited that I've met all of these awesome people that have things in common with me. And that's 7.)
How often do you write?
Every day if I can. But I love writing, and the day it seems like work to me is the day I take a break – that way writing never loses its magic.
Thanks and hugs to Rach for answering my questions. Did you see how many things we had in common? A lot. I hope you found a common ground with her too. That's why I love learning about other aspiring author's.
Remember to visit Rach's blog. And, yes, right now would be a good time!
Hey Michelle, thanks so much for interviewing me :) I had so much fun, and loved reading your comments as well! It's pretty cool finding so many things in common with other bloggers :)
ReplyDelete(Um, one exclamation mark and two smilies) (*chortles*).
Great interview! Thanks for hosting, Michelle! Rachael, you and I appear to have gotten serious right about the same time--love the horror stuff though! I tend to right more realistic suspense (both adult and YA)--sometimes mystery.... but all that dark stuff has some common ground.
ReplyDeleteWonderful interview. Fun getting to know you both a little.
ReplyDeleteAwesome! Rach is a crazy great blogger. I never knew what her novel was about though. That sounds REALLLLLY interesting. Right up my alley! I can't wait till I can read it off the shelves!
ReplyDeleteGreat interview Michelle and Rachael! It's good getting to know more about you Rach.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I really like the logline. I had only seen a previous version. It's come along way. Great job!
Great interview! Nice quotable about the dead ferns. I'll have to keep that one.
ReplyDeleteYay! Thanks to everyone who came to visit. It's fun to find new friends. Rach, it was a pleasure. Really, me and Janco ;) had a good time last night responding to your answers.
ReplyDeleteGreat interview! I loved writeoncon, and love all the chats they do! The horror book sounds creepy!!
ReplyDeleteGreat interview Michelle and Rachael. I also love the logline, very intriguing! :);)
ReplyDeleteSounds like you two really have some stuff in common. ;-)
ReplyDeleteGreat interview Michelle.
Great interview! And thanks for the shout out! ^.^
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun interview, thanks!
ReplyDeleteRachael, your book sounds like such a cool read. And I'm with you when it comes to loud music. I can't concentrate!
Rach is such a pigmy-puff. She even has a little jumping bunny named after her in the forum ;) And Lain? I was so going to use that for my interview with her! Great minds, eh? ;)
ReplyDeleteBadass interview!!! Thanks for this! I love the profile picture and seeing the real person behind the picture!!
ReplyDeleteJust a reminder! Be Jolly By Golly Blog fest is this Monday! Melissa and I look forward to reading your entry!
Unedited & Jules and the Stars
Great interview and great to learn more about Rach. SHe's such a cool bleep. Nice to meet you, Michelle. :)